Cookie Policy

This Cookie Notice explains how Learnova LLC (hereinafter, "us," "we," or “Learnova”) uses cookies, pixel tags, local storage, and similar technologies (collectively referred to as “Cookies”) to recognize you when you visit our public website at (the "Website"). It outlines the nature of these technologies, their purpose, and your rights to control their use.

Please refer to our Privacy Policy formore details on how Learnova collects, uses, and shares your personalinformation.


What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files placed on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. They contain information read by a web server in the domain that issued the Cookie. Cookies can be"session cookies," automatically deleted when you close your browser, or "persistent cookies," remaining on your device until deleted or expired. Learnova sets "first-party cookies," accessible only by Learnova, and may use "third-party cookies" for additional functionalities.


In addition to cookies, we may use similar technologies like web beacons or local storage for various purposes.

Why does Learnova use Cookies?

We use Cookies for technical reasonsessential for our Website to operate (Strictly Necessary Cookies) and forpersonalization, marketing, and analytics. Please find details on thesecategories below.


Essential Cookies

Essential to provide services through our Website, these Cookies are crucial for its functionality. They cannot be switched off but can be blocked through browser settings.


Personalization Cookies

Enabling enhanced functionality and personalization, these Cookies may be set by us or third-party providers. Disabling them may affect certain services.


Marketing Cookies

Set by our advertising partners, these Cookies help build a profile of your interests for targeted advertising. They do not store personal information directly.


Analytics Cookies

Allowing us to measure and improve siteperformance, these Cookies help track visits, traffic sources, and userbehavior on our site.


How can you control Cookies?

You have the right to accept or rejectCookies. Learnova provides settings to update Cookie preferences on ourWebsite, located in the footer. Most advertising networks offer opt-out optionsfor targeted advertising through websites like About Ads or Your Online Choices.


Privacy Policy Changes

While changes are expected to be minor,Learnova may update its Cookie Policy. Visitors are encouraged to check thispage frequently for any changes. Continued use of the site after changesconstitute acceptance.



For questions or comments regarding thisCookie Policy, reach out via email to